Category: Healthy Lifestyle

Make Your Own Safe Cleaning Products

cleaning bottle

Many schools, day care centers, hospitals, hotels, stores, and restaurants use very toxic cleaning chemicals. Institutional strength products are even more toxic than those intended for home use. While we do not have control over what these institutions use in

Posted in Healthy Lifestyle

Why You Should Stay Away from Artificial Fragrances

Perfume Bottles

There are also many safe cleaning products available in your local health food store. I will generally stay away from the large chemical companies “natural” or “green” products. Those terms are used loosely to appeal to people who are interested

Posted in Healthy Lifestyle

Why Rubber Gloves Can’t Protect You From Household Chemicals

The flowers are blooming. The birds are singing. Spring cleaning is upon us! In my last post, I listed some of the most common toxic cleaners that most people use in their homes.  While many people use rubber gloves to

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Spring Cleaning the Healthy Way: Top 10 Cleaners to Avoid

After a long winter, nothing feels better than Spring fever. For those in colder climates, we see temperatures rise, snow and ice melt, birds return and signs of new life emerging. It is a time of renewal and rebirth. We

Posted in Healthy Lifestyle

How to Love your Liver and Kidneys While Doing Spring Cleaning

In my previous blog post, I discussed how cleaning chemicals are absorbed  through our skin and how the vapors are inhaled. Our livers and kidneys work hard to detoxify the harmful ingredients that we ingest. Chemicals that are absorbed through

Posted in Healthy Lifestyle