Why You Should Stay Away from Artificial Fragrances

Perfume BottlesThere are also many safe cleaning products available in your local health food store. I will generally stay away from the large chemical companies “natural” or “green” products. Those terms are used loosely to appeal to people who are interested in using safe products, but who do not know that most contain dangerous solvents and synthetic fragrances.

Synthetic fragrances and perfumed products such as laundry products, perfumed cleaning products, scented candles, and air fresheners often cause negative side effects. In my experience, almost 40% of my clients have energy tested as having sensitivities to perfumes. I have had many people tell me that symptoms such as asthma, headaches, irritability, and skin rashes subsided upon eliminating perfumes from their environment.

If you are currently using perfumed laundry products, expect it to take four or five wash cycles to get the perfume out of your laundry when you are making the switch. When you consider that most of us are exposed to some clothing of fabric that we have laundered almost 24 hours a day, you will understand the importance of using fragrance free laundry products. Many products labeled as odor eliminating are actually products that contain two to three times the amount of perfume as similar products on the market.

Many animals also have sensitivities to perfumes. It is important avoid spraying your pet’s bedding with perfumed products and bathing your pet in scented products.

Many children have sensitivities to artificial perfumes and fragrances in common household cleaners like laundry detergents, dish soaps, and fabric softeners.

Here are a few tips to protect your family from chemicals that can contribute to health issues like allergies and asthma. Always use laundry detergents and household products that are free from synthetic perfumes. Ask your child’s teacher to avoid spraying air fresheners and disinfectants in the classroom. Ask your schools and employers to avoid the automatic air fresheners in the bathrooms.

Posted in Healthy Lifestyle